Remedies To Stop Snoring

What is Snoring?

Snoring is the irritating hoarse sound that occurs at the time of sleeping because of partial obstruction of air in some way. Snoring is noisy, kills sleep of others and a common problem among all ages and genders. People who are overweight are most at risk. It has been observed the problem is not as common to women as to men. Snoring may lead to fragmented and disturbed sleep affecting day time efficiency and fatigue.

At the time of sleep the muscles of our throat relax, becomes narrow and tongue falls backward. When the air flows past the soft tissues in the throat, it causes the tissues to vibrate continuously creating the most awkward sound. The narrower the airway becomes the greater the vibration and louder the sound. Sometimes the situation leads to a complete blockage of the airway and leads to temporary cessation of breathing. This is a very serious health condition named 'sleep apnoea' and needs immediate medical attention. This condition lowers the level of oxygen in blood and leads to fatigue and headache.

Symptoms of Snoring

If you snore and suffer from any one of the following symptoms, consult doctor before it is too late :- 

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Fatigue, tiredness during daytime
  • Weight gain
  • Feeling of not rested at night awakening early in the morning
  • Lowered level of attention/concentration
  • Physical weakness and irritating nature 

Sleep apnoea may be of two types :

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OPA) : In this type snorting results from obstruction or blockage of the airway.
  • Central Sleep Apnoea : In this type, the brain fails to send signals to the muscles to breathe. 

Sleep Apnoea is related to various critical medical condition like - hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, diabetes, obesity.

Common Factors responsible for Snoring :-

  • Alcohol : Consumption and addiction of alcohol is major cause for snorting as it relaxes muscles and disturbs natural defenses against airway blockage

  • Sedating Medicines : Frequent intake of  sedating medicines such as cold medicines, sleeping pills and over-the-counter medicines may cause snorting. Many 'over-the-counter(OTC) medicines include general painkillers, paracetamol, aspirin or constipation etc. These OTC medicines may be harmful for sensitive tissues including nasal tissues if proper dose is not applied.

  • Nasal Problems : Crooked partition between nostrils and deviated nasal septum(where tissues dividing two nostrils tend to bent to one side) may also be responsible for snorting.

  • Obesity : It has been established that men and women suffering from obesity or overweight are prone to snoring than people with normal weight. Overweight people tend to have extra tissues in the back of their throat that narrow the normal air passage.

  • Typical Mouth Anatomy : People having low, thick and soft palate also tend to snoring as it narrows airway

  • Sleeplessness : Lack of sleep and sleeping in an awkward manner like with a large pillow or sleeping on back may cause snoring

  • Having a family history of snoring or obstructive sleep apnoea

Snorers are not usually aware of their snoring and must be informed by other occupants of the room that his/her snoring is not letting others to sleep. Now, a doctor can only advise if you need to consult a 'sleep specialist' and undergo a 'sleep test' to determine if you suffer from 'sleep apnoea'

Test and Diagnosis : First of all  Doctor reviews the symptoms and investigates medical history of the patient. To ascertain the severity of the situation, doctor generally asks other members of the family about when and how the patient tend to snore. 

Then, doctor usually advises X-ray and Magnetic Resonance Imaging to ascertain the extent of airway blockage. If the problem is critical then the Doctor may also advise a 'polysomnography' test. In this type of test the patient has to spend a few nights at a 'Sleep Center'. Here the patient is attached to a number of 'Electronic Medical Devices' and the specialists review 'sleep habits' of the patient during a sleep.

Treatment : 

  • First of all Doctor usually advises to lose weight, give up habit of alcohol and smoking, avoid lack of sleep, treat nasal congestion and avoid awkward style of sleeping etc

  • Oral Appliances : Oral appliances are dental mouthpieces designed by dentists, used to advance the position of jaw, tongue and soft palate to keep the air passage open

  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure(CPAP) : In this type of treatment, a pressurized mask is fitted over the nose at the time of sleep. The mask is attached to a small pump that forces air through the airway. Although CPAP is very effective way to treat snoring but the patient may find it a bit uncomfortable to wear during sleep.

Surgical Solutions :

  • UPPP(Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty) : In this type of surgery, the surgeon removes and trims the extra tissues from the back of the throat and palate to widen the airway.

  • Somnoplasty : This is a minimal operation in which soft tissues in the upper airway is reduced to make way for easier airflow.

  • Nasal Surgery : In this type of surgery nasal obstruction or abnormality is corrected to make way for the air.

  • Laser Surgery : This is the latest technique available with the ENT surgeons. In this surgery, the surgeon uses a hand held laser beam to remove excess tissues and shorten the soft palate to widen the airway. There is no bleeding and the technique is almost painless. 

  • Soft Palate Implants : In this type of treatment, braided strands of polyester filaments are inserted into the soft palate with the help of special needle. The polyester filament stiffens the soft palate thus reducing snoring. 

Other Anti-Snoring Aids 

Various anti-snoring are available in the market to help snorers sleep in peace. How far will they be effective and which one is the right depends from person to person. Some of them are :- 

  • Anti-Snoring Pillow : It has been observed many snorers snore only when they sleep on their back. As a result the tongue and throat muscles relax and slump backwards making the airway narrow. Anti-snoring pillow is designed to prevent snoring by encouraging you to sleep on your side and to hold the head and spine in the right alignment. Experts doubt if it is effective enough to a hold a person's head in a particular position throughout the night.
  • Night Shift Sleep Positioner : It's an electronic device and worn around the neck. It alerts the snorer by vibrating when he/she tends to sleep on the back. The manufacturers claim over the time the snorer becomes used to sleep by their side and never feel uncomfortable. 
  • Chin Strap : Chin Strap is a simple solution and works somehow in the same ways as a 'Mouthpiece'. The comfort level of a 'Chin Strap' depends on the material it is made of and most common material is nylon or neoprene. Using a 'Chin Strap' may be uncomfortable for some persons - particularly when the nose is blocked and the mouth is closed by it. 

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