You are always curious about your boobs that you noticed started growing in puberty and your mom started training you how to wear a bra and how to take care of boobs. You must also be remembering how men started staring at your boobs whenever you were out on roads.
May be, you are still not aware of some facts about your boobs. To know these continue to read the following points :-
#1) Left Boob Is Larger Than The Right
Breast asymmetry is a very common thing. Top celebrities like Keira Knightley, Jennifer Lawrence openly talked about the unequal sizes of their boobs. Reasons :
i) Difference in the size of both boobs is defined as Asymmetry. Breast Asymmetry is defined as a difference in the form, position or volume of the breast and is a common affair for more than half or 65 percent of all women. The symmetry of a woman's boobs is measured with a process known as mammogram.
Boobs are actually glands placed within the front of the chest wall. It weighs about 7 to 10 ounces and is mostly composed of 12 to 20 lobes spread like the spokes in a bicycle tire over the entire boobs starting from the nipples.
Breast tissues also always change depending on the menstrual cycle. You might have noticed your boobs are fuller and more sensitive at the time of ovulation. This is due to more blood flow and more water retention and at this time the boobs always appear to be of same size. Boobs shrink again during menstruation.
There may be various reasons for unequal sizes of boobs such as - hormonal changes, skeletal condition or traumatic injuries. Sometimes, fibroids non-cancerous tumors may also be responsible for asymmetry. Sudden change in the size of breasts due to underlying breast masses should always be discussed with a medical expert to prevent breast cancer.
A little difference in the size of both breasts is not to worry about. If the difference is considerable and odd looking, embarrassing and causes psychological disorder, it may be discussed with medical surgeons. There are ways to get rid of the problem with the help of breast implant, breast reduction.
Read : Breast Augmentation And Love Have 6 Things In Common
ii) Size Of Boobs Change Throughout Life
Size of boobs undergo significant changes as you grow older from puberty to menopause. There is a significant hormonal changes as one grows older. Formation and growth of new tissues decreases. Water retention capacity of boobs fall as a woman attends menopause than women still in ovulation.
iii) Nipples Are of Four Types
- Normal : This type of nipples protrude a few millimeters from the areola, protrudes further, becomes hard on arousal and temperature changes.
- Flat : This type of nipples do not protrude and blends into the areola may protrude a little but not like normal nipples when aroused and temperature changes.
- Puffy : Puffy nipples are just like flat nipples except the aerola is slightly raised.
- Inverted : Inverted nipples result when lactiferous ducts do not get properly stretched during puberty. Inverted nipples may be drawn out of the areola through cosmetic surgery, breastfeeding, nipple shields ( a device that extends the length of the nipples encouraging the baby to suck and help pull out of the nipples gradually )
- Unilateral : This is the condition when a woman has one nipple inverted while the other is not.
Studies indicate that about 28 to 35 percent of all women have nipples which do not protrude well, indicating this as a common affair.
iv) Six percent of women have an extra nipple
Although quite uncommon, still studies found that about 6 percent of women have an extra nipple. Know more
v) Both Men and Women Always Stare At Boobs
You might have noticed that while walking on road or in any gathering all eyes specially men's always tend to move significantly to your boobs, hips and waist than your your eyes. This is specially true for women owning enviable boobs and body measurement. It has been observed also that eyes of women also linger over facial beauty as well which is seldom the case for men.
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