Charcoal & Skin
At a time when newspapers and magazines are filled with 'eye catching Advertisements on 'Skin Care' of branded multinational manufacturers, we are forgetting the inherent properties of some 'natural ingredients' towards 'Skin Care'. One of them is Charcoal.
Charcoal also called 'char' and 'activated charcoal' is made by cooking woods in a low oxygen environment and contains mainly pure 'carbon'. The process is complex and lengthy and includes burning off compounds like water, hydrogen, methane and tar. While burning charcoal mixes with oxygen and produces 'carbon dioxide', 'carbon monoxide' and other gases and is capable of producing more energy than raw wood. There are other forms of charcoal which is made from peat, coal, coconut shell or petroleum but 'activated charcoal' is only used as medicinal, healing and beauty purposes.
Activated Charcoal is capable of flushing out 'toxins' and harmful 'chemicals' from the body and prevents their re-absorption by the body. Use of activated charcoal includes removing toxins from the body, treatment of gas, lowering of cholesterol. It has shown effectiveness in the treatment of morning sickness such as bloating of gas, nausea and vomiting also during pregnancy.
Gone are the days when women used to enter cosmetic shop and sales girls started explaining about the branded products and forcing you to buy at least one of them. Today women are more cautious about a choosing a product because they are well aware of health hazards of products purely based on chemicals.If you are averse to use the conventional 'branded products' mostly based on chemicals and looking for some alternative/natural options, then 'Activated Charcoal should find the first palace in you 'Priority List'. Positive effect of Charcoal were known since 19th century but women started having great interest in them very recently.
Gone are the days when women used to enter cosmetic shop and sales girls started explaining about the branded products and forcing you to buy at least one of them. Today women are more cautious about a choosing a product because they are well aware of health hazards of products purely based on chemicals.If you are averse to use the conventional 'branded products' mostly based on chemicals and looking for some alternative/natural options, then 'Activated Charcoal should find the first palace in you 'Priority List'. Positive effect of Charcoal were known since 19th century but women started having great interest in them very recently.
Deep Cleansing and Acne
Activated Charcoal quickly absorbs 'toxins' from the skin and amazingly cleanse the skin deep inside. For treatment of acne make a paste with one capsule of activated charcoal with two teaspoon of 'aloe vera gel' and apply it over entire face. Let it dry and then rinse off with clean water. It is able absorb 100 to 200 times its weight in removing dirt and impurities from the skin resulting in a glowing, smooth and beautiful stain free skin admired by all.
Activated Charcoal is highly effective to remove embarrassing body odour and in the treatment of bites of insects, snakes/spiders. Body odour is caused by odour producing toxins due to poor digestion and infection. Body odour and bad breath is actually a result of toxins leaving the body. Activated charcoal eliminates body odour by absorbing these toxins and brings these toxins out of the body through bowel movement. Various factors may be responsible for unpleasant body odours. Some common factors are :- Bad breath due to poor digestion and poor oral health
- Perspiration odour due to formation of bacteria in areas like underarm
- Odours caused by perfumes due to sensitivity or allergy
- Vaginal odour
- Infected wound
- Intestinal Gas ( Due to poor indigestion & Constipation )
Anti - Ageing : Ageing is normal in life but pre mature ageing is a curse. Our body absorbs a lot of toxins daily through intake of food, from environment and at workplaces. Studies indicate activated charcoal prevents cellular damage to vital organs such as kidneys, adrenal gland, liver which is a major reason responsible for ageing. Activated charcoal has powerful anti ageing properties and helps the body to flush out toxins and other harmful chemicals. It improves the adaptive functioning of vital organs such as kidneys, liver and adrenal gland and resists premature ageing of the body. As we age our brain becomes strongly sensitive to toxins. Activated Charcoal reduces the pace at which the brain becomes sensitive to toxins thus preventing ageing. Recommended dose by physician of activated charcoal capsule is necessary.
As we grow old our facial skin loses its moisture quickly and becomes dry. The cells die quickly and wrinkles and smooth lines appear on the face especially under the eye as a sign of ageing. To nourish the cells and moisturise the skin it is necessary to cleanse the toxins and dead cells periodically .To prevent ageing, Beauticians recommend use of face wash and face pack that contain Charcoal. It acts deep inside and the skin becomes smoother and tighter making you look young again. In this way the process of ageing is delayed.
As we grow old our facial skin loses its moisture quickly and becomes dry. The cells die quickly and wrinkles and smooth lines appear on the face especially under the eye as a sign of ageing. To nourish the cells and moisturise the skin it is necessary to cleanse the toxins and dead cells periodically .To prevent ageing, Beauticians recommend use of face wash and face pack that contain Charcoal. It acts deep inside and the skin becomes smoother and tighter making you look young again. In this way the process of ageing is delayed.
Teeth Whitening
Activated charcoal promotes teeth whitening when thy are stained with consumption of coffee, tea, wine and smoking. Apart from changing the pH balance in the mouth, it resists bad breath, cavities and other gum complications. Activated Charcoal helps whitening teeth by absorbing plaque and other microscopic element that cause teeth become yellowish. Brushing of teeth with paste containing activated charcoal or with powdered activated charcoal two to three times per week ensures restoration of sparkling teeth. Wash mouth thoroughly after brushing.
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Gas & Bloating
Bloating and intestinal gas most common during pregnancy, can be both painful and at the same time embarrassing. Another useful function of activated charcoal is it can alleviate uncomfortable gas and bloating and prevents the body from absorbing them. It is capable of trapping toxins, metals and other microscopic element in the digestive system thereby giving comfort. Abstain from consumption of alcohol and smoking for a few days during the cleanse operation. Doctors usually advise a 500 mg capsule at least one hour before a spicy lunch/dinner with a glass of water. Consume sufficient water to get the activated charcoal into the system so that it can bind with gas producing elements.
Healthy Digestive Tract
A deposit of toxins is gradually built up in the digestive tract as we consume pesticides on food, water and remain exposed to polluted environment. This causes allergic reaction, weak immune system, constipation, joint pain, poor digestive function rapid ageing and cellular damage. Activated charcoal is a simple and effective remedy to counter this complications. Take activated charcoal capsule in the morning at least one hour before breakfast preferably with fresh lemon juice in water. Capsule may also be taken one hour before lunch or after at least 2 hours of dinner before going to bed. Try to eat organic fruits and vegetables and grass fed meat/fish during this cleanse operation. Sufficient consumption of clean water is a must.
Reduces Bad Cholesterol
Studies show activated charcoal is very effective at lowering bad cholesterol and increasing good
cholestorel in the blood. Researchers also found that taking activated charcoal eliminates concentration of fats in the body.
Alcohol/Drug poisoning
Charcoal is an age old remedy to counteract poisoning from fertilizer, alcohol and poisons. Although activated charcoal cannot absorb alcohol but it does absorb the other toxins responsible with poisoning. It also reduces contents of alcohol in blood stream considerably if taken just before consuming alcohol. Armed with a large dose of activated charcoal the body easily flushes out the poison quickly.
Daily Use of Charcoal
Various products of face wash, face pack and face cream containing Charcoal are now available in the market for use by both men and women.Daily use of these products not only makes you look bright but also keep acne, pigmentation and ageing away.
Tooth paste and even tooth brush containing Charcoal have now come in the market that protects gum, whitens teeth enabling you to give a superb smile.
Toilet soaps formulated with Charcoal are also available in the market which is capable of removing body odour, minor skin disorders and rashes.
So use Charcoal products daily, lets you have an edge over others in appearance
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